This page takes you to all kinds of publications on Dynamic Judgement-formation:
See also the links in the grey bar above this page!
- News about Dynamic Judgement-formation
- Introvision: Read here about the practical form of self-reflection, Introvision, as an application of DJF.
- Books
- Praktijkboek Dynamische Oordeelsvorming, Martin van den Broek et al, published in Dutch in 2014 and the must-have book to read all about DJF in all its applications!
- Syllabi
- Thesis: Judgement formation in groups, polarity and rhythm as key to development of social organisms by A.H. Bos, the basis of Dynamic Judgement-formation.
- Articles on Dynamic Judgement-formation.
Especially for you, if you feel the need to further develop your judgment and conversation skills and you want to explore whether and how Dynamic Judgement can help you do so. For example, because you have a lot of conversations, coach, hold meetings, negotiate or mediate. Lees meer